
Friday, October 28, 2011

Recipe - Stuffed Chicken Breast with Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Earlier this month, I made a recipe called No Peeking Peking Chicken with the leg quarters (the chicken legs and thighs) of a whole chicken.  I froze the rest of that whole chicken, the breast quarters (breasts and wings) and thawed them for tonight's dinner.  I cut off the wings and deboned the breast to stuff and roast it.  It was sooooooo good to eat, the house smelled so good while it cooked and it looked good on the plate (see pic above) - a trifecta!

Here are the two Breast quarters (a breast and a wing, each). 

I cut out, using a boning knife, the spine of the chicken.

Then I cut off the chicken's wings.

Using the tip of my boning knife, I cut the breast meat off of the ribs and breast bones.

The top left - breast and rib bones of the chicken.  Bottom left - I pulled out the chicken tenderloins.  Right - the boneless chicken breast halves.

I covered the boneless chicken breast with plastic wrap and pounded it flat and thin with the flat end of my meal mallet.

I made some stuffing and put it in the middle of the chicken breast. This is a lot of stuffing so that the chicken just covers it. I like it that way so that all of the chicken meat surface gets browned.  You could, however, put half as much stuffing inside and roll the breast up tighter for smaller rolls of chicken.

I placed the stuffed chicken breast in a foiled pan, rubbed it with Wegman's Basting Oil and fresh ground pepper and placed cleaned and trimmed Brussel sprouts tossed in Wegman's Basting Oil around it.  After 30 minutes in 325 degrees of a convection oven the chicken was only at 120 degrees.  The Brussel sprouts were done, so I pulled them out.  I upped the oven temp to 375 degrees and cooked the chicken for another 20 minutes.

The chicken is resting for 5 minutes to redistribute the juices and the Brussel sprouts look fabulous!

Plated up - stuffed, boneless chicken breast with roasted Brussel sprouts and canned chicken gravy. 

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