
Monday, December 26, 2011

Big Changes 'Round Here

Out of the 9 years since B was born, I have been a SAHM (stay at home mom) for all but 16 months.  When B was 14 months old, I went back to work.  Unfortunately, he had some health issues that forced his daycare to kick him out and his care requirements were even too much for his grandparents to deal with, so I had to quit my job and stay home with him.  It's been hard on us, having only one income.  The hubs is not like most hubs in this area.  He is not an computer geek, making 6 figures in the high tech world.  He performs necessary, but unheralded work, to keep Americans safe and bad guys at bay.  But B has gotten stronger every year and has been mostly fine since the age of 6.  Although we don't have everything we would want, we have everything we need and we are happy.  However, we would never be homeowners again if something didn't change.

So, four weeks ago, I went back to work full-time.  I had been looking for some time for something that would accommodate our circumstances.  Since we homeschool, I could not work a normal 9-5 job; no daycare was going to watch a 9 yr old during school hours.  After looking for something to fit our schedule for the 1st 9 months of 2011, I decided to sit down and pray to God for the answer we needed.  Three days later, His answer came.  A company that I had worked for before (the company where the hubs and I met) posted a position with late afternoon and evening hours.  It was something I had done before, so I applied, and got it!

What an upheaval this has been to our life!  We have been homeschooling since June 2010, so B and I have been together all day, every day.  The hubs works from 6am - 2pm so he can spend at least half of every day with us.  Since November 28th, our weekdays have been this:

4:45am - the hubs leaves for work
5:00am - I get up, shower and dress
5:30am - wake B up, he gets dressed and we both go down for breakfast and make lunches
6:15am - we leave the house and head to my parents' house, who have graciously offered to watch B for the 7 weeks I am in training (8am-5pm)
2:15pm - the hubs picks B up from my parents' house
6:20/6:30pm - I get home from work b/c traffic is unbelievable
8pm - B and the hubs go to bed.

Like I said - upheaval.  I miss all my time with my mens!  But as hard as it is for me, I can deal with it.  I have a goal; I have my eye on the prize.  The hubs and I have decided I will work towards saving for a house for the next year and a half, and we'll buy something when our lease is up in July 2013.  The hubs has been a-ma-zing, picking up all the cooking and house cleaning since I've been at work.  My parents are not only watching B for us, but are also homeschooling him!  This has turned out to be a blessing for all of us.  Ben is not missing 7 weeks of school and my parents are so happy to be involved in his schooling.  Teaching him, they've gain firsthand experience and confidence in their grandson's education.  They love the curriculum we've selected and have divided his subjects up between them according to their preferences.  My dad is a history buff, so he teaches B social studies and geography.  My mom, like me, is an English natural, in additional to being a retired x-ray technician, so she teaches B his Language Arts and Science.  B does Art at home with the hubs.

Once I'm done with training on January 13th, I'll start my regular work schedule - Sunday through Friday, 2:30pm to 11:30pm, with one, rotating weekday off.  Other than my 2 days off a week, the hubs and I will only see each other for the few minutes we exchange B in the parking garage of my work 5 days a week.  But we will muddle through.  Once again, we have a goal in mind.  B is an emotional soul (just like his mama) and we've seen the toll these changes have taken on him.  But I believe it will get better once I am on my regular work shift and it is just the hubs and I with B each day.  As wonderfully indulgent as grandparents can be, children's fundamental needs for structure, order, discipline and love can only be met by their parents.

I've truly loved these past 3 days off to just spend with B and the hubs.  I don't care if the house is a mess, whether the laundry gets done or not, or if I make a home cooked meal or we eat out.  We're together, we're laughing and loving, and that's all that matters.

My friend, The Persian Homeschooling Mom, begged of me that when I went back to work, I had to give her at least 1 blog post a week.  I'm sorry I have been so remiss in my responsibilities.  ;o)  I'll try harder to balance my family, my home, my job and my fans from now on.


  1. Oh I love you! lol I have to admit I was quite curious as to why you made such a huge decision to go back to work and juggle everything but it seems like everything is working out! Once you're comfy in your new schedule and you both won't have to wake up at the crack of dawn I'm sure things will be much better. It's beyond hard trying to live comfortably in this area on one income and relatively debt-free while owning your own home, I completely understand. Kudos to you and your family for pulling together and keeping your eyes on the prize. And in 2013 I hope you'll be showing off some great pictures of your new home. ;-)

  2. I'll just be glad to be on the 2:30 - 11:30 shift so I can go back to the gym in the mornings! My thighs have grossly expanded!

  3. Thanks for the update, Jess. I've been dying to hear how things are working out (but was ever confident you'd make it work out!) however I also know your time has grown more precious so I was getting a lesson in patience while I waited for you to find the moment to share. SO happy to know that things are falling into place where they need to and working out where they have to. You guys are awesome!
