
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'm Married to Snow White

The hubs is an animal whisperer.  Not a horse whisperer or a dog whisperer but an all animal whisper.  Creatures great and small seem to seek him out and trust him.  They come close to him, look him in the eyes, allow him to touch them, even pick them up, or rub up against him.  I mean wild as well as domestic animals.  I have seen dogs, cats, hedgehogs, rabbits, chipmunks, ferrets, fish, horses, giraffes, monkeys, birds, elephants and even penguins come to the hubs.  It is absolutely amazing to witness!

A couple of weeks ago while I was working my afternoon to late evening shift at work, the hubs and B went on a nature walk in the woods across the street from us.  They took pictures of animal tracks, sketched mushrooms and trees they saw and enjoyed being able to walk far enough into the woods to not see the suburbia in which we live.  After they had been exploring the woods for about 20 minutes, they heard rustling near by.

The hubs signaled for B to stop moving and be quiet.  They listened.  In less than a minute, 3 deer appeared and walked right up to the hubs.  There are kids in these woods on a regular basis, playing "war" games and shooting paintball guns at each other.  Deer are pretty skittish animals.  So why would they walk right up to humans?  Because they were seeking the animal whisperer, of course!

Being 9 yrs old, B could not keep quiet for long and exclaimed in excitement over the closeness of the deer.  That scared them off.  Being the wise man that he is, the hubs decided that he and B should go home and leave the deer in peace.  When I called home during my dinner break to say good night to B, he told me all about their adventure in the woods.  He was so excited, but I was not surprised at what had happened.

It was close to midnight when I turned down the alley behind our house on my way home from work that night.  I was tired but I still kept an eye out on the ground for the rabbits that tend to dart around the alley at night.  As I approached our garage, I saw a flash of movement to my right and slammed on the breaks as a deer walked in front of my car to stand in front of the hubs' garage door and look back at me.  After a couple of seconds, I decided to proceed on, slowly, and open my side of the garage.  The noise, along with me getting closer, finally caused the deer to step aside and then finally run down the alley and towards the woods.  I am convinced that deer was hovering around our house, looking for the hubs.

I am still wondering what she sought from him?


  1. Oh wow! How great it is to see a deer up close. Where I live, we have wooded areas around us, so we get deer walking through our yard and it's great to be outside and just watch them saunter on by.
    Thanks for the post! :)

  2. Such a great story. We have some wooded areas near my house, but all we ever see are fox, rabbits and skunks

  3. I only ever heard stories about an animal in a movie. It's incredible!

  4. My husband feeds the deer on our lawn all the time. He said watching and feeding the deer is very relaxing.

    Stopping by from the 100 Comments event.

  5. You guys are so lucky to be experiencing all these. I'm just tired of my city life. We are planning to relocate to rural area where my kids will be closer to the nature.

  6. How cool! What a gift and how great that your son gets to experience it.

  7. I would send your hubby (whom I'm calling Dr. Doolittle in my head) over to mind out what is going on. Perhaps they need his assistance. It is pretty awesome!

  8. That sounds very peaceful for all of you.

    We just moved to the country about a year ago and the boys have been able to experience nature and get close to some animals

  9. What an amazing story. I know someone who was on the verge of suicide. She took a long drive and ended up in deer country. She saw the deer and held crackers out to them. They ate out of her hand. The experience so enthralled her that all thoughts of suicide vanished for some time. Animals are a blessing. Thanks for the nice article. Deb

  10. Very neat being close to nature like that! What a great memory.

  11. You must live in a great place! How fun to live where you have deer and rabbits coming out to greet you. :)

  12. LOL about being an animal whisperer. Some people are just gifted.

  13. We used to live in an area where we frequently saw deer. Never tired of their beauty and grace.

  14. Wow. That's really cool. I'm sure your son will be learning a lot about nature. Best wishes on your HS journey. I don't know anyone who has regretted HSing.


  15. Some people are born with that love for animals, eh? My middle child is constantly looking for animals, talking about animals, and getting as close to them as she can. Awesome that you are able to see and appreciate nature up close! God the Creator has made a beautiful world!

  16. Wow amazing story. Deer are fun to watch until they are crossing the road in front of you. I am from a rural area where frequent accidents happened due to deer.

  17. I have never seen a deer up close all I have around my neighborhood are rabbits and I see plenty of them.

  18. Very interesting! I love the story. :)

  19. A deer in the alley. Wow. I've only seen a deer close up at the Grand Canyon.

  20. Wow! I can relate to your husband! LOL! I live in the Bronx, so I've had stray dogs and cats follow me home and hang out in my front and back yards.

  21. That is such a great story of your close encounter! I don't think I've ever come that close to a deer although they certainly are all over our neighborhood!

  22. That is very awesome! I've always had dogs and cats come up to me when they wouldn't with other people. I'm not sure how I would take to wild animals doing as much though lol.

  23. On several occasions, I have had the blessing to be in very near proximity to wild animals - and am always awe-struck and breathless at the opportunity! ;-}


  24. What a cool story. I can somewhat do that with most cats, not all, but most. I bet your son will remember that for a long time!

  25. What a great experience. I live in the city and would not experience this.

  26. That is very cool. What an awesome experience for your son, and what a special gift your husband has!

  27. Great story and what a great opportunity for your son to see the deer so closely. You just have a special husband.

  28. Wonderful story. When my daughter was younger, she was in the yard and she felt something nibbling her leg. She thought it was a baby goat, and turned around. It was a newborn orphan deer. The mother was dead, so my daughter bottle fed it for a while. Bottle feeding deer is against the law here, but what does one do?

  29. Wow! We have deer in our yard every day, and occasionally they come onto our porch. Such a great part of nature!

  30. Wow that is really amazing! What a wonderful gift to have! My only experience with a deer was when it rammed into my car lol. Seriously, they are beautiful creatures and I would love to be able to see one up close and personal like that.


  31. That is so cool! I can't say that I ever wanted to get too close to a deer, but I am sure that it is fun for your hubby. Thanks for sharing! xoxo- rachel @

  32. This is funny and sweet all at once! Maybe your husband should be a veterinarian, if he isn't already? Oh and good luck on the home schooling- I have so much respect for the parents that can successfully pull such a venture off!!

  33. What a great story! I wonder what it is about some people? I remember a lady coming to my parents house once and she picked up our cat and laid him on his back and he just relaxed there. If any one of us had tried it, he would've had a fit and run off!

  34. Such a cute story! My Dad is totally that way! Animals get excited to see him! I think some humans just have some sort of smell they put off that animals know they are all right! It is awesome that you guys can walk out into the woods from where you live.

  35. Hehe you hubby must have a way with animals. It's so cool that you can get so up close and personal with the animals. We only get them in the zoo.

  36. Animals are just attracted to or comfortable with a select few in the human race. Quite amazing!

  37. What a great experience for your family to share! I love close encounters with nature - it helps keep us grounded! Thanks for sharing this great story!

  38. Around here some folks would think that is take out! Great adventure for your kid, though. Good luck with the homeschooling!

  39. What a gift to be able to have animals trust you! It must mean a lot, and yay for doing things as a family!

  40. I love junebug's nickname for your hubster, Dr. Doolittle. I like that!

  41. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful insight into your family. Good luck with the homeschooling.

  42. Cool story. It sounds like he has a special affinity with animals for sure. I am sure that is a gift your son will benefit from as well.

  43. Wow, that is pretty neat! My husband has a way with animals as well, he is particularly good with horses and can get them to do pretty much anything he wants. It is amazing to see people with extreme connections to animals!

  44. What an interesting story! Kinda like Dr. Dolittle! =)

  45. Weird - wishing my husband at least had the knack for finding deer and fish when he's hunting and fishing. He seems to have the opposite effect on animals! lol

  46. Wow! That should be cool to have deers around!

  47. What a wonderful story. It must be neat being married to someone like that.

  48. So cool! We see deers from a distance, but never up close like that!

  49. I think that some people just have that special touch or something about them that calms animals or draws them near. How cool!!

  50. That's a pretty cool story - amazing in fact. I laughed at your title, it definitely caught my eye. Great post!

  51. That's amazing! I'm a homeschooling mama as well. Always an adventure!

  52. That's a pretty cool ability! You're very lucky to live in an area with all that wildlife.
