
Thursday, February 2, 2012

National Bubble Wrap Day

 Sunday, I went shopping at IKEA with a friend.  I had not been in an IKEA since before B was born!  And Sunday was probably my 3rd time in an IKEA, E-ver.  It was fabulous - the store, the company, the double date with our hubses (I really need to start my own dictionary) afterwards.  Anywho, During a break, I checked FB quickly and GMA informed me that the next day was National Bubble Wrap Day.  Did you know that?  I didn't even know there was such a day, let alone when it was.  I felt so unprepared.  :o/

The main reason I was going to IKEA was to buy a LACK Table so I could make B a LEGO table.  I found a tutorial online and the person used the IKEA LACK Table with LEGO plates.  "Why spend $70 - $200 on a LEGO table from a store when I could make my own with a $7.99 LACK Table?" I asked.  "Because you'll spend at least $70 in gas to get to and from the closest IKEA," replied the hubs. was too late, b/c I had already ordered used LEGO plates online and they arrived the end of November.  Unfortunately, I went back to work full-time then, and was unable to get to IKEA for the LACK Table in order to make and give B the LEGO table for Christmas.
I got me a LACK Table on Sunday!  I told myself I would only buy one of the colors selling for $7.99.  It did not matter what color it was; it was to be played with and beat up by a boy.  Then we got to the aisle where the LACK Tables were and the $12.99 red one called out to me like a siren.  My friend told me that the blah, beige LEGO plates I bought would really look smashing against the $12.99 red table instead of the boring $7.99 white or black one and would definitely clash with the $7.99 birch.  She said she'd go with the red one.  Because that's what friends do - enable each other.  So I bought the red.  (See red LACK Table in the background of pic to the right.  Isn't it beautiful?)

On the way home from our double date at The Wolfe Tone's Pub at Blackthorne Inn, I realized that I'd never opened the package of LEGO plates when they arrived.  I had no idea what condition they were in, or even if they were in there at all!  Ooops.  I had a lot on my mind; transition from SAHM to full-time WOHM during the holiday season kept me a little distracted.  So Monday morning, I opened the box of plates while holding my breath.  They were dirty and had some kind of non-human hair on them, but they were all there, the correct size and color and none were broken.  Yeah!  (Phew!)

More importantly, they were wrapped in bubble wrap, and the festivities began!  B, as you can see from the 2 pictures, got creative with his popping - Riverdancing in the 1st pic and landing from a doorway position in the 2nd one.  He said he wished he had a really fast arm like Eve in Wall-E to pop them, but I reminded him the fun would be over much too quickly.  Ahhh, the simple things in life - celebrating National Bubble Wrap Day with the ones you love.  And not inviting Eve.

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