
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Homeschool Notes and Laundry

A few weeks ago we read Detectives in Togas by Henry Winterfeld as part of a History lesson.  I really did not like this book but B, of course, did.  The 1st sentence on the back cover is, "A hilarious whodunit in Ancient Rome."  Not.  I did find one line, near the end, funny but nothing was hilarious.  I'm glad we're done with it.  But, once again, love that I am pushed out of my reading comfort zone to expose us to new works.

Recently, B was spending forever on a creative writing assignment one day and we were not able to get anything else done that day.  I was getting impatient, but then realized he is just like I was with creative writing assignments in school.  I remember the days in elementary school when we were given a Xerox (do kids nowadays know that word??) picture and told to write a story about what was happening in that picture on one side of loose leaf paper.  While some kids struggled to fill a page, I was on page 4 and still going when the teacher told us time was up and we had to turn in our one-pagers.  I consistently got marked off for my lengthy stories.  The teachers said that, although they appreciated my creativity and ability to spin a tale, I was unable to follow directions and contain my story to one side of a sheet of loose-leaf paper, so I lost points.  I will gladly postpone B's History and Science lessons now to allow his creative juices to flow...

B was recently reading to me about weather and I was following along.  He came to the word, "disappear" and read "disapperate" instead, and I thought nothing about it!  We seriously need to detox from Harry Potter.

B told me the one thing he misses from public school is yearbooks.  He looked forward to getting those at the end of the year and getting his friends', and teachers', signatures.  So, we are going to have to make us a yearbook!

B and I were in the car and One Republic's song Secrets came on the radio.  A line in that song is - "I'm gonna give all my secrets away."  B says, "Maybe one of them will be the lady's secret from Moves Like Jaggar and we'll finally know what her secret is."  LOL!  I love how that boy connects dots!

The hubs is notorious for spilling whatever he is eating or drinking on his clothes.  And over the years, out of necessity, I have become an expert at stain removal.  Since I have been working on the opposite schedule as the hubs, he hasn't been able to communicate to me what clothes of his have stains.  Evidently he's been placing the stained clothes in places where he thought I would see them.  I haven't seen them.  So recently, I discovered his new strategy - he placed his stained clothes in my hamper.  LOL!  Very smart of him!

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