
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Our Summer Bucket List

My friend, Julie, has a wonderful blog, Creekside Learning.  She is the put together blogger and homeschool mom that I aspire to be.  A couple of weeks ago, Julie and the Creekside Family came up with a Summer Bucket List, and I thought that was a fabulous idea.  The other night, while putting B to bed, we thought up all the things we'd love to do this Summer.  Our list is very ambitious (read - too long and unattainable) but that's us!  I look at it this way - everything we don't get done this Summer will carry over to next year so we won't have to create a list then.  :o)  So here it is:

Our Summer Bucket List

  1. Drive-in movie
  2. Zoo
  3. Amusement or water park
  4. Beach
  5. Skateboarding camp
  6. Gymnastics camp
  7. Cartooning camp
  8. Get an Avengers LEGO set
  9. Free Summer movies
  10. Go out for ice cream
  11. Catch an ice cream truck
  12. Make our own ice cream
  13. Sleepover with best friend
  14. Sprayground
  15. Lay in the backyard and admire the stars
  16. Campout in the backyard
  17. Make s'mores
  18. Have friends over for a BBQ
  19. Whenever we want/need to go to the library, walk instead of drive
  20. Save a life
  21. Art classes at home
  22. Pick berries
  23. Go on a nature hike
  24. Make a new friend
  25. Scavenger hunt through the alphabet with a camera
  26. Get B to ride a bike
  27. Michael's in-store passport crafts
  28. Vacation Bible School
  29. Minor league baseball game
Since we made the list, we have done #10 and #24.  Out of necessity (no car) we walked to the library twice in the week before making the list.  We enjoyed it so much, we put it on the list and committed ourselves to continue doing that.  He's already signed up for VBS later this month and I am working on getting him signed up for the camps he's interested in.  I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish from it this Summer!


  1. Oh my, Jess, thank you, what a nice compliment.
    I love your list! We, too, are hoping to go to the sprayground and the free movies. Maybe we can do those together.

  2. Most of the things on your list can be combined and totally doable. Revisit the list in September and let us know how many you accomplished!

  3. 13 things on this list hVe been done so far. I need to step up and get more things done!

  4. The final tally! During the Summer of 2012 we accomplished the following: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28. #6 we decided to sign B up for a gymnastics class during the school year and he loves going to that every week. The remaining 6 will be added to this year's Summer bucket list!
