
Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Postmistress by Sarah Blake

I find a lot of reading material at Costco.  I peruse the many titles, read the covers and when I see one I want to read, I make a note of it and check it out of the library.  The Postmistress by Sarah Blake was my most recent find.  I was intrigued to find out what secrets the postmistress and the doctor's wife were hiding.  Unfortunately, there was a third female character, a reporter, and the plot was split evenly among the three women.  I did not care for the reporter's story line.  It was not until halfway through the book that her story got remotely interesting to me because a link between the reporter and the doctor's wife was established.  The last fifth of the book, when all three women were in the same town and interacting, was the most interesting part and I dragged my way through the first four fifths. The book gave me something to read while traveling this past week, but I would not recommend it.

I do want to share something from the book that stood out to me, though - how the reporter was told the job was done.  "Seek Truth.  Report It.  Minimize Harm."  Reporters' integrities were based on their unbiased observations.  They stayed out of the way, didn't get involved, and reported the facts, as they saw or heard them, to the people.  That's it.  I miss that integrity in news.  I remember when it still existed, when I was younger.  It is no more and we all suffer from it, in my opinion.

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