
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My Little Fasionisto

Ben and I went to Kohl's in the beginning of April because we all needed sandals for Summer and I had a 20% off coupon.  We found great, cheap sandals for all of us and, as we were heading to the checkout, I decided to "just look" at the women's section.  I really needed some new shorts, in a larger size than last year, and since my 20% off coupon was good for my entire purchase, it just made sense to do some window shopping.  ;o)   As I was looking at capri pants, B says, "Mom, you should buy these; they'd look great on you!"  He was holding up what I thought was a skirt but, on further inspection, it was a skort.  I said, "B, I can't wear that.  I can't pull off a skort."  B replied, "Of course you can, Mama!  You can pull off anything!"  What a sweet boy, filled with unconditional love!  He proceeded to search for, and find, three shirts to go with the skort he found for me.  When I looked at the bright blue shirt he picked out that matched the skort, I said, "I think that shirt color, and the skort color, are too dark for me.  Don't you think?  This aqua shirt would go much better with my eyes."  B replied, "Mama, you already have a shirt that color!"  OMG - he was right; he observes and absorbs everything!  So I bought the skort and the 3 shirts (pictured above) that he picked out, in addition to our Summer sandals.

When we were checking out, the cashier said, "I love how all three of these shirts go so well with this skort!"  "Thank you," I replied.  "I can't take credit.  My son picked them all out for me."  "Well," she said, looking at B, "You've got a great eye for fashion."  Ben smiled at the cashier and then turned to me.  "Mama?  What do they call a male fashionista?""  A big grin spread across B's face.  I grinned back.  As we walked out of Kohl's, we both felt proud of him.

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