
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

B's Favorite Winter Drink: Cupcake Tea

Earlier this year I started drinking coffee after a friend made me the most perfect brew ever.  It was a breakfast blend with sugar and French Vanilla creamer and I now make it at home.  Occasionally, when B's asthma flairs up I let him have half a cup of coffee, but he can't have it regularly.  I also don't want him drinking hot chocolate daily.  He used to drink tea with just a little sugar or honey, but since he tasted my coffee, he hasn't been interested in tea.  Until I created a beverage just for him.

I fill a mug ¾ with water, plop in a tea bag (I use Sleepytime or plain green tea because it's that we have on hand, but you can use any flavor you like) and microwave it on the "Beverage" setting.  This way, most of the tea steeping happens while the water heats.  I'm all about saving time where I can.  And if I walk away from the tea for a few minutes while it steeps, I'll completely forget about it!

Next, I remove the tea bag, add a splash of honey and a splash of French Vanilla creamer, approx a tsp of each, and stir.  That's it!  I usually keep local honey in the house, but haven't had a chance to get any in a month.   My mom gave us this big bottle from BJ's, so we're using it up.  Slooowly.  ;o)

If B is impatient and just can't wait for his tea to cool a smidge before diving in, he'll throw an ice cube or two in there.

The first time I plopped this in front of B, he exclaimed, "You made me the perfect brew coffee?!"

"No.  I made you your own special drink."

"What is it," he asked, skeptically.

"Just try it."

He took a sip and smiles.  "It's tea?"  I nodded.  "It tastes just like a cupcake, Mom!"

And the name "Cupcake Tea" has stuck ever since.

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