I get overwhelmed quite easily and, because of that, I am not a good multi-tasker. The only time I multi-task is when I'm on the computer and listening to the TV at the same time or cooking dinner (an entree and a side or two at the same time). This long list of of books, with varying topics, leave me overwhelmed and after a couple of scrolls down, I inevitably close out the application. But today, I noticed the word "Collections" on the left-hand side and clicked on the +. Ta-da! Lists! I can organize my e-books into like files, making it less overwhelming for me. Now, instead of scrolling through 134 books which can only be sorted by title, author or recently viewed, I can look at my 16 Collections, which only take up half of the main page! Woohoo! Much easier to go right to the subject I'm interested in to select a book. :o)
In case you're interested, my Collections are History/Social Studies; Recipes; Health; Animals; Religious; Fun; Fiction; Non-Fiction for The Hubs & Me; Non-Fiction for B; Business; Money-Saving; Homeschool; For the Home; Math; Gardening; Language Arts.