
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

B Makes Pancakes By Himself

  This morning B asked me, "Can you make pancakes for breakfast?" To which I responded, "No."  I am not a pancake fan, it's labor intensive and most of the batter goes to waste.  "Can I make pancakes then?" he asked.  "Sure."  He's cooked before, including pancakes, but I've been by his side, guiding, suggesting, pouring the heavy liquids.  This time I stayed out of it unless he asked me a question and I, of course, turned on the stove.  It was hard for me to let him do it all by himself.  I told y'all how I've struggled with the hubs doing things his way in my series last July - 31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years.  #17: Just because it isn't done my way doesn't mean it's done wrong, was my mantra this morning as B made his breakfast.  I am a "destination" person when it comes to tasks and B, like the hubs, is a "journey" person.  Right off the bat, though, he totally made me proud and proved he is the son of a chef by starting out with mis en place.  It means "everything in place" and in the kitchen, it refers to ensuring you have everything you need and ready to go before you start cooking.  Halfway through mixing his batter, he decided to add Nutella to his pancakes, too.

I made a notation in the cookbook with the pancake recipe to use less milk than it called for because they are too runny and flat.  B told me he forgot to use less milk, but they still tasted good.  Lesson learned for next time.  He was proud of himself when it was all done and these were the best tasting pancakes ever because he had made them himself. Unfortunately, he got a rude awaking when he tried to walk out of the kitchen when he was done and I called him back to put everything away and clean up his dishes.  He declared that "the not so fun part of cooking".  Tell me about it!  ;o)  

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