Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 2 of Whole30

I cannot believe the side effects of this detox!  I am miserable, the hubs is miserable, we're not getting enough food, I still have a headache and the hubs has stressed himself into a pinched shoulder nerve.  Remember in yesterday's post about day 1 when I said I ruined everything I cooked?  I thought that was a fluke b/c I know my way around a kitchen and have the degree to prove it.  But today I have burned myself, cut myself a few times and banged every finger in either a kitchen drawer, kitchen cabinet or in between pans!  On top of all of that, B's pouty, whiny attitude of yesterday turned into sulky this morning and then to downright anger.  So I gave up!

I talked to the hubs about it and he agreed.  Until he and I can get past the worst in the beginning and get into a food routine, we are taking B off the plan.  This was not me giving up the battle of wills with B.  This was just a sanity saver for everyone.  He was very happy when we told him tonight.  But we also informed him that when we get our Whole30 shit together he will go back on it and in the meantime, he will not be eating nothing but carbs.  I think he was so happy he would agree to anything!  ;o)

I decided to fix steak for dinner, hoping some iron would perk us up.  I cooked with olive oil some more today and still no allergic reaction from me.  :o)  With all the added veggies to my diet I have frequent gas.  And it smells sickeningly sweet!  I guess that's from the coconut oil?!

We went for a drive this evening with the windows down and by the time we were heading back home, I was feeling better.  I don't know if the steak kicked in or if it was the fresh air.  But I am grateful.  What I find interesting is that no matter how bad the hubs and I feel, we haven't cheated nor quit.  We are committed and I'm proud of us.  We need to make these changes for our health, our attitudes, our energy and our son.  We are not giving in or giving up.  Actually, for me I think giving up is not an option b/c that means at some point I'd have to start over again.  And I am not starting the caffeine withdrawal over again!  ;o)

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