
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

SERIES: 31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #24

#24: Although we are completely different, we always view it as complementing each other.

We are complete opposites.  He's tall, I'm short.  He's dark, I'm pale.  He's outgoing, I'm shy. (Well, at least I was before I became a mom.  But once you become a mom, if you don't come out of your shell and reach out to others, you'll drown.)  He was a spender, I was a saver.  I grew up with a SAHM, both his parents worked.  I was raised with unconditional love, he was not.  He listed to Enya, I listened to Country. He drank and smoked, I did neither.  (He has been smoke free for several years now and I started drinking like a fish once I became a SAHM.)  He has a great sense of style and takes care with his appearance, I call a day successful if I can get a shower and/or am out of my PJs.    

Although we have been opposites from the beginning in looks, backgrounds and tastes, we've always seen ourselves as complements and a completion of each other.  (We predate Jerry Maguire; the writer got that line from us, not the other way around.)  Every strength the hubs has is a weakness of mine and vice versa.  Every talent he doesn't have, I do.  And we love that!  It's so resourceful now that we're parents.  Whatever questions B has that I can't answer, the hubs can.  Whatever situation arises with B, it's OK if one of us is at a loss on how to deal with it, because the other one knows just what to do.  For example, the hubs deals with all first aide related issues - blood, sprains, falls, bumps, etc. - vomiting and all male-specific "issues" (*shudders* I can't deal with vomiting).  I deal with asthma, pneumonia, colds.  Paul has always been the one to call 911 and greet the EMTs, I've always been the one to pack a bag and ride in the ambulance.  (Thankfully B has not had an ambulance ride in 4 years. I feel like a factory foreman, writing the number of days without an accident on the big wipe-off board for everyone to see.)

I'm sure you've heard it said that "opposites attract" and also "that which attracts you to a person will eventually become that which annoy the hell out of you and you're on a mission to change them".  We've had moments like those!  But you can't change someone else.  Reality really is perception, so we keep the perception of complements.  

I was in a bad relationship before I met the hubs - abusive and controlling.  The guy I was seeing told me to go work in a bank, so I did.  After I got out of that relationship, the bank I was working for got bought out, I was laid off and went to work for another financial institution.  On the 1st day of work at this new place, I met the hubs!  After we got engaged, I said to the hubs, "You know, as bad as my last relationship was, without it I'd never have met you.  I would never have gone to work in the finance industry since my background was hospitality.  Everything happens for a reason."  The hubs replied, "You're wrong.  No matter who either of us worked for, no matter where we lived or what we did, we would have found each other.  God picked us out for each other a long time ago, Jessie, and He brought us together when we were finally ready for each other.  He knew you were the yin to my yang, plain and simple."

Don't miss any posts in this series:

31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #9
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #10
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #11
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #12
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #13
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #14
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #15
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #16
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #17
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #18
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #19
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #20
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #21
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #22
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #23
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #24
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #25
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #26
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #27
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #28
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #29
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #30
31 Reasons The Hubs and I Have Lasted 17 Years, #31

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